Why is Pet Desexing Important?

Desexing (also known as spaying or sterilisation) is an important process for your pet. Not only will it help you stop unwanted pregnancies, but it also improves your pets’ happiness and health in many ways.

Desexing is a routine and relatively simple surgery that can help reduce behavioural issues in your pet. It lessens the likelihood of contracting diseases such as uterine cancer in female animals or prostate problems in male animals.

For female animals, the process is known as an ovariohysterectomy. This involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus. For male animals, the process is known as orchidectomy (or castration). This involves the removal of the testes.

Every year, millions of unwanted dogs and cats are put down at animal shelters. If you are not intending on using your pet for breeding, then we recommend having it desexed,

Desexing Dogs

Female dogs, on the other hand, are only in season around two times a year. Their cycles last for around three weeks.

For male dogs, castration reduces the tendency for them to roam in search of a mate. Most importantly though, castration will reduce any aggressiveness.

Desexing Cats

Female cats can be “in season” or “on heat” for a large part of the year, with cycles several weeks apart when they can become pregnant. It’s not always possible to know when a cat is in season. When they are “in heat”, female cats they will often become more vocal and affectionate.

Male cats that have been castrated tend to roam and fight less, resulting in fewer injuries.

Where the magic happens

Our Fully Equipped Facility

We back up our exceptional care with the latest techniques in veterinary treatment and the best tools and equipment. This includes:

  • Surgical Equipment – advanced electrosurgery units, comprehensive soft tissue and orthopaedic surgical kits

  • Diagnostic Equipment – digital x-ray unit, ultrasound, video-endoscope and pathology lab

  • Specialist Referrals – we aim to refer your beloved pets when their condition is beyond our expertise. We also have access to many mobile veterinary specialists who come to our practice to offer specialist treatment in our hospital.

If you have any other questions, please contact us